Natasha Kitcher
Research Assistant
Loughborough University
31 blog posts
Email: N.Kitcher@lboro.ac.uk
Research Assistant
Loughborough University
31 blog posts
Email: N.Kitcher@lboro.ac.uk
In January 2021, I was lucky enough to join the AURA Network as Research Assistant. I was initially drawn to the project because of its focus on cultural heritage organisations and ‘unlocking’ cultural assets for the public. My Masters was…
Mathieu d’Aquin (Professor of Infomatics, National University of Ireland, Galway) spoke at the third AURA workshop on the 16th of March 2021. His talk was titled “AI for archives and collections: From processing metadata to analysing content.” https://youtu.be/X1puyUHSY9E Presentation Slides…
Bram van der Warf (independent scholar) spoke at the third AURA Workshop on the 16th of March 2021, asking the question "What comes next? AI for discovery or destruction?" https://youtu.be/nwqsMjcIPLk Presentation Slides (PDF)
Andrew Prescott (Professor at the University of Glasgow) gave the keynote talk at AURA's third workshop on the 16th March 2021. His talk asked the question, can archives make AI better? https://youtu.be/Edt67iAMUxw Presentation Slides
Adam Nix (De Montfort University) spoke at the third AURA workshop on the 16th March 2021 on the use of AI in born-digital archives. https://youtu.be/DU71gVDTWrE Presentation Slides (PDF)
Angeliki Tzouganatou (University of Hamburg) spoke at the third AURA workshop on the 16th March 2021 about openness and participation in digital cultural archives. https://youtu.be/y8B_OM0S7dE Presentation Slides
Dr Jennifer O’Mahoney (Waterford Institute of Technology) spoke at the third AURA workshop on the 16th March 2021 about the role of born digital data in confronting a difficult and contested past through digital storytelling, specifically thinking about the Waterford…
Larry Stapleton (Senior Academic at Waterford Institute of Technology) spoke at the third AURA workshop on the 16th March 2021. He surveyed key themes, research, and future directions for the Centre for INformation SYstems and TEchno-Culture (INSYTE) which he is…
Jenny Bunn and Mark Bell, both from the National Archives, gave a presentation at the third AURA workshop on the 16th March 2021 considering what is next for AI in archives. https://youtu.be/0Sk9g2mWyRc Presentation Slides
Dr Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Associate Professor at the University of Padova (Italy), spoke at the third AURA workshop on the 16th March 2021 about the new challenges with Open Data, and what bias and fairness mean in AI. https://youtu.be/nw3ULB_XTiY…