Natasha Kitcher
Research Assistant
Loughborough University
31 blog posts
Email: N.Kitcher@lboro.ac.uk
Research Assistant
Loughborough University
31 blog posts
Email: N.Kitcher@lboro.ac.uk
Gareth Cole, Research Data Manager at the Loughborough University Library gave a talk on day 1 of the workshop (16th November 2020) on the challenges of openness and accessibility in relation to academic research data. https://youtu.be/AU2X59giT5M
Della Keating and Joanna Finegan, Assistant Keepers at the National Library of Ireland gave a presentation on day 2 of the workshop (17th November 2020). Their presentation summarised their experiences of collecting born-digital archives at the library. https://youtu.be/v-JRNSO1WvU Presentation slides
Rónán Kennedy, Lecturer in Law, National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway, spoke on day 1 of the workshop (16 November 2020) on the topic of data protection and archives. https://youtu.be/OF2HSslJKFM Presentation Slides
Beatrice Alex, Chancellor's Fellow and Turing Fellow at the Edinburgh Future's Institute at the University of Edinburgh gave a presentation on day 1 of the workshop (16th November 2020). Her presentation dealt with data access and privacy when working with…
Ramisa Hamed, Teaching Fellow in Computer Science at the Trinity College Dublin, gave a presentation on day 1 (16th November 2020). Ramisa's presentation was on the use of Semantic Web Technologies to manage access to born-digital archives. https://youtu.be/6Bm_Fjn7orY
Steve Rigden, Digital Archivist at the National Library of Scotland, gave a presentation on day 2 of the workshop (17 November 2020), on the issues of sensitivity and access to digital materials at the National Library of Scotland. https://youtu.be/Ig-AKVkmG2A
Fred Saunderson, Rights Manager at the national Library of Scotland gave a presentation on day 1 (16th November 2020) on the issues surrounding copyright licences in relation to openness and data privacy. https://youtu.be/Gc9an74s3zE
Brenda O'Neill is a lecturer in the School of Science and Computing at the Waterford Institute of Technology. Her presentation, given on day 2 of the workshop (17 November 2020) was on the subject of 'Metadata standards & interoperability in…
Amber Cushing (Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the School of Information & Library Studies at University College Dublin) gave a talk on access to born-digital objects for teaching on day 2 of the workshop (17 November 2020). https://youtu.be/55FpHcFoKD4 Presentation slides
Treasa Harkin from the Irish Traditional Music Archive in Dublin, Ireland gave a presentation on day 2 of the workshop (17 November 2020). Her presentation concerned the Willie Clancy music festival 2020 (the largest traditional music festival of its kind)…