Meet the team

Lise Jaillant has a background in publishing history and digital humanities. Since 2020, she has led as UK PI four AHRC-funded projects:(1) LUSTRE [Unlocking our Digital Past with AI] in collaboration with the Cabinet Office and other partners. LUSTRE started in August 2022; (2) the EyCon project on visual AI applied to early conflict photography. Eycon started in February 2022 and is a collaborative project with French researchers; (3) the AEOLIAN network (Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Organisations) which started in February 2021. AEOLIAN is funded by the AHRC in the UK and the National Endowment for the Humanities in the… [Read more]

Annalina Caputo is Assistant Professor in the School of Computing at Dublin City University. Her research is in the areas of Natural Language Processing, Information Access and Retrieval, and Machine Learning. Prior to this appointment, she was an EDGE COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action research fellow in the ADAPT centre at Trinity College Dublin in the domain of Temporal Aware Personalised Information Retrieval. As part of this fellowship, she was seconded to Ryanair, collaborating on the application of the project’s algorithms to Ryanair’s huge user base. [Read more]

Eirini is the Head of Digital Research Programmes at The National Archives. With a background in digital humanities, digital scholarship and archival collections research, Eirini is interested in bringing together methods and theories from a range of disciplines that can contribute to the rethinking of digital, archival and collection-based research. Her current interests focus on new thinking about the collection, contextualisation, storage, use and reuse of digital records, both digitised and born-digital. Most recently, Eirini was a Co-Investigator for the AHRC-funded research network on Computational Archival Science [Read more]

Dr. Larry Stapleton
Senior academic and international consultant in advanced information systems, organisational culture and business
Waterford Institute of Technology
Dr. Larry Stapleton is a leading international expert in the development and social impact of advanced digital systems. He has lectured at Waterford Institute of Technology for over 30 years where he is the founder and Director of the Centre for Information Systems and Techno-Culture (INSYTE) which organises postgraduate research and teaching programmes for over twenty years. In his consulting practice he has advised private companies, NGOs, business development agencies, universities, regulators, the European Commission, and governments both inside and outside the EU. He holds several international professor positions and has won “Best International Professor” awards, publishing over 140 academic peer-reviewed publications… [Read more]
Email: larrystapleton@knewfutures.com
Website: https://www.wit.ie/research/centres_and_groups/dr_larry_stapleton

Mathieu d'Aquin is professor of computer science and head of the K team at the LORIA laboratory of the University of Lorraine, France, where his research focuses on knowledge-intensive artificial intelligence methods. He was previously director of the Data Science Institute at the National University of Ireland Galway. He has worked on many aspects of data and knowledge engineering, especially focusing on distributed, web- and graph-based approaches. He has applied his research in numerous projects and domains, including smart cities/regions, education, digital humanities and music. [Read more]
Email: mathieu.daquin@loria.fr

Vanessa Millar is the project coordinator/administrator for AURA. Prior to this she worked with Lise Jaillant as research assistant/administrator on the AHRC Leadership Fellowship project, “Survival of the Weakest.” She also works as project administrator for the Transport Safety Research Centre at Loughborough University. [Read more]
Email: v.millar@lboro.ac.uk

Natasha Kitcher is a research assistant for AURA. She is also a Doctoral Researcher at Loughborough University based in the Communication and Media department. Her research is a media history of the Electrophone, a telephone broadcasting devise that was in use in England from 1893 – 1938. Natasha previously studied History at Royal Holloway, where she completed her BA in History and an MA in Public History. While based at Royal Holloway she was the Programme Editor and an Online Tutor for the University of London Worldwide. She has also worked with the Science Museum as a Rapporteur for an… [Read more]
Email: N.Kitcher@lboro.ac.uk

Dr Katherine Aske is a scholar of eighteenth-century literature and the digital humanities. After completing her PhD at Loughborough University in 2015, Aske undertook a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Université de Bretagne Occidentale in 2016, working on the digital humanities project ‘DIGITENS: Digital Encyclopaedia of European Sociability’. She has since worked on several research projects with Northumbria University, including the current AHRC-funded Sterne Digital Library. [Read more]
Email: k.l.aske@lboro.ac.uk