Dr. Lise Jaillant
Reader (Associate Professor) in Digital Humanities
Loughborough University
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Lise Jaillant has a background in publishing history and digital humanities. Since 2020, she has led as UK PI four AHRC-funded projects:(1) LUSTRE [Unlocking our Digital Past with AI] in collaboration with the Cabinet Office and other partners. LUSTRE started in August 2022; (2) the EyCon project on visual AI applied to early conflict photography. Eycon started in February 2022 and is a collaborative project with French researchers; (3) the AEOLIAN network (Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Organisations) which started in February 2021. AEOLIAN is funded by the AHRC in the UK and the National Endowment for the Humanities in the US; (4) the AURA network (Archives in the UK/ Republic of Ireland & AI) which ran from August 2020 to January 2022.
More information on her work can be found on her personal website.